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Solid Foundations

Wall formed foundation
Pump truck about to pour formed footings


Experience You Can Trust

The beginning of our company was in foundations. Measurements, wall forming, and excavation are our bread and butter. 


Our owner, with over 15 years of experience in framing, made a successful transition to foundation building ten years ago. Under his leadership, we've demonstrated our capability to handle projects of any size and shape.


In-House Trucking

Having our equipment makes us faster and better than any other foundation builder. The same contractors continue to contact us for our speed and quality in projects.


Call us to find out what equipment we own and how it makes foundation building smoother.



Our owner, with a contractors license and an extensive network in every city and county in the KC area, is skilled at scheduling and passing inspections. This ability to save time and money ensures a high quality result in every project, giving you peace of mind about the budget and timeline.

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“You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.” 


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